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Beer snacks

Snack No. 1
Black bread — to taste
Garlic — to taste
Salt or universal seasoning — to taste

Cut bread into strips.
Chop the garlic.


Place pieces of bread in the preheated frying pan with cooking oil.

Add salt or universal seasoning and fry on both sides over medium heat.

Place crackers in a deep container.
Let them cool down.
Add the garlic and stir.

Snack No. 2
White bread — to taste
Cheese — to taste
Tomato sauce — to taste
Salt — to taste


Slice white bread.
Put pieces of bread in the preheated frying pan with cooking oil.
Fry them on both sides over medium heat.
Top with tomato sauce and grated cheese.
Cover the frying pan with a lid for a couple of minutes to melt the cheese.

Tartlets with sausage filling
Tartlets with herring
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